The age old saying 'It was the best of times and it was the worst of times', might certainly apply to the subject of fertility rates for women age 40 and above. Getting pregnant at 40+ can be the best of times but the process involved could be the worst of times. You don't need to panic, but if you put off trying to get pregnant any longer, your chances for a natural pregnancy can be less than 5%.
Obviously, the younger a woman is, the greater the odds of being fertile and becoming pregnant. As your age creeps upwards, your fertility chances become less each year with a serious decline in the mid 40's.
According to studies conducted on fertility rates by age brackets, the optimum chance for pregnancy occurs between the ages of 20-29 with fertility rates averaging 87% and 78% respectively. Although there is a drop off in fertility rates (down to 63% and 53%) for those in their 30's, there is still a very good chance of pregnancy. Once a woman reaches age 40, the chances for fertility drop significantly to just 33% and down to a mere 5% at age 45 and above.
Does this mean the 40+ woman cannot be fertile? The primary reason that fertility rates drop off has nothing to do with whether a woman is physically capable of becoming pregnant, it is simply that women age 40 and above do not produce enough eggs to increase the likelihood of those few eggs actually becoming fertilized. As such, many 40+ aged women become pregnant via in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
Aside from in-vitro, what can you do to naturally increase your odds of fertility as you age and reach 40 and beyond?
Many physicians will advise you to follow some careful steps to not only help with the low production of healthy eggs but also have a normal, healthy, and safe pregnancy and delivery when you actually do get pregnant. Women over 40 must be very conscious of their diet and exercise. The healthier the body the better chance you have of keeping your reproductive cycle healthy and also having a healthy and non-complicated pregnancy.
When in your 40's and ready to have a baby by natural means with your husband/partner, you'll want to have unprotected sex at least 3 times a week for at least 4-6 months. If after this activity, you have not become pregnant, you may want to seek out your doctor and/or a fertility specialist.
Your doctor or fertility specialist will check to make sure there are no issues with your reproductive organs and other important considerations with an impending pregnancy. They most likely will test to see if there may be any problems with how your ovaries are functioning or making sure there are no problems with your fallopian tubes. You may also have to have your husband/partner's sperm tested.
There are many options available to a woman over 40 that desires to get pregnant and give birth to a baby. With lower egg production in these later years it will be more difficult to achieve this naturally... but the chances in your early 40's are still around 30%. And if the natural fertilization of your own egg does not occur, you can rest assured that other medical options are available and can turn your desire to become pregnant into a reality.
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Obviously, the younger a woman is, the greater the odds of being fertile and becoming pregnant. As your age creeps upwards, your fertility chances become less each year with a serious decline in the mid 40's.
According to studies conducted on fertility rates by age brackets, the optimum chance for pregnancy occurs between the ages of 20-29 with fertility rates averaging 87% and 78% respectively. Although there is a drop off in fertility rates (down to 63% and 53%) for those in their 30's, there is still a very good chance of pregnancy. Once a woman reaches age 40, the chances for fertility drop significantly to just 33% and down to a mere 5% at age 45 and above.
Does this mean the 40+ woman cannot be fertile? The primary reason that fertility rates drop off has nothing to do with whether a woman is physically capable of becoming pregnant, it is simply that women age 40 and above do not produce enough eggs to increase the likelihood of those few eggs actually becoming fertilized. As such, many 40+ aged women become pregnant via in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
Aside from in-vitro, what can you do to naturally increase your odds of fertility as you age and reach 40 and beyond?
Many physicians will advise you to follow some careful steps to not only help with the low production of healthy eggs but also have a normal, healthy, and safe pregnancy and delivery when you actually do get pregnant. Women over 40 must be very conscious of their diet and exercise. The healthier the body the better chance you have of keeping your reproductive cycle healthy and also having a healthy and non-complicated pregnancy.
When in your 40's and ready to have a baby by natural means with your husband/partner, you'll want to have unprotected sex at least 3 times a week for at least 4-6 months. If after this activity, you have not become pregnant, you may want to seek out your doctor and/or a fertility specialist.
Your doctor or fertility specialist will check to make sure there are no issues with your reproductive organs and other important considerations with an impending pregnancy. They most likely will test to see if there may be any problems with how your ovaries are functioning or making sure there are no problems with your fallopian tubes. You may also have to have your husband/partner's sperm tested.
There are many options available to a woman over 40 that desires to get pregnant and give birth to a baby. With lower egg production in these later years it will be more difficult to achieve this naturally... but the chances in your early 40's are still around 30%. And if the natural fertilization of your own egg does not occur, you can rest assured that other medical options are available and can turn your desire to become pregnant into a reality.
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